The film presents the political events surrounding the Anschluss in March of 1938 through the lives of Carola Hell, a popular young actress at the...
'38 - Vienna Before the Fall
Story about a young pianist accused of murdering his teacher who slowly comes to believe the accusation due to guilt feelings, ultimately retreating...
The film tells the story of three young men who land in an Austrian prison for various reasons. They have been sentenced for minor misdemeanors and...
An author searches for cues about the life of a girl confined in a community home before her suicide. While trying to put together a literary piece...
Die blinde Eule
Haider lebt - 1. April 2021
For centuries the Germans and Slovenes lived in peace with one another in southern Styria. Then, when the border was defined, the killing began. A...
Die vergessene Minderheit oder Die Geschichte einer Grenze
A stuntman relentlessly tries to win the favor of some female restaurant owners who are supposed to finance his karate school. In the end, his scam...
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