Gene Roddenberry's Utopian vision of humanity in the 24th century had a profound effect on American viewers. During the height of the Cold War, the...
Star Trek Story
Original electronic press kit publicizing the long-awaited sequel to NBC’s “Star Trek”. Program distributed via first-run...
Star Trek: The Next Generation - electronic press kit
Documentary which discusses Star Trek's great science fiction writers
Sci-Fi Visionaries
William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy some nice thoughts in The Birth of a Timeless Legacy doc, which tells about the way Star Trek came to be.
Birth of a Timeless Legacy
This History Channel special examines Christie's 40th Anniversary auction of the franchise's most recognizable film and television memorabilia, and...
Star Trek: Beyond the Final Frontier
Spacelift Transporting Trek Into The 21st Century, shows you how they Remastered The Special Effects from Star Trek Classic to CGI, the re recording...
Spacelift: Transporting Trek Into the 21st Century
DVD featurette on the look and design of Star Trek: The Original Series.
Designing the Final Frontier