A story of Anita Amor, a haughty and spoiled woman who inherits vast tracts of undeveloped land and a major publishing company from her late father...
A hotheaded man becomes a firefighter and is morally tested by other firefighters to join them in an illegal racket.
Ang Bombero
A biopic about general Gregorio Del Pilar.
Hen. Gregorio Del Pilar
Is a story about brothers Carlos and Fidel, who are both decorated war heroes. But their closeness will be challenged as they try to win the heart of...
Sa Tokyo Ikinasal
Mariano and Andres are balut vendors who fortuitously save Rosa's life. They adopt her and care for her as their own daughter. One day a lawyer...
Biglang Yaman
A retelling of the famous episode from Ferdowsi's Persian epic Shahnameh, pertaining to the event where the great warrior Rustum had his fateful...
Sohrab at Rustum