Deepa, a schizophrenic patient, loses her normalcy due to a mishap that occurred in her personal life. Dr. Surajit Sen takes this case as a challenge...
Wax Light
Based on the life of the legendary figure of Indian freedom movement Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, this Bengali classic narrates the life of young...
Subhash Chandra
Tapan Sinha's debut film is based on a Narayan Ganguly story SAINIK, which figured an elephant in the central character.
A 1955 Bengali Drama Film directed by Haridas Bhattacharya.
A 1958 Bengali Romantic Family Drama Film directed by Chitta Bose.
Jogin, a poor school teacher, had brought up an orphan Tomato as his nephew. But now suffering from the deadly tubercolosis, he decided to gamble...
Chheley Kaar