"KL Gangster" tells the tale of two brothers who get involved in the world of gangsterism. The older brother Malek (Aaron Aziz) was imprisoned for...
KL Gangster
Having conquered the Asian underworld, crime boss Don sets in motion a plan that will give him dominion over Europe.
Don 2
Four young Malaysians, Salmi, Razak, Ani and Angee have been assigned to do a picture book of ‘1957’. While two of them grudgingly carry...
1957 Hati Malaya
A city boy named Ridzuan falls in love with a village girl named Tiqa. But their romance is not as straightforward as it seems.
Lemak Kampung Santan
The movie begins when Opie finds a letter from Anizah saying that she wants to marry her boyfriend, Fazley, and has buried her dreams to continue her...
Dunia Baru The Movie
The Pilot Cafe is a love story about a beautiful, but erratic and depressed woman named Maya. She meets Ameer, a man who has only ever tarnished...
Pilot Cafe
The story is about the life of a prostitute.
A love story between an Afghan young man, Qaisy, and a Malaysian medical relief volunteer, Laila. The gist of the story has Qaisy cutting short his...
Qaisy Dan Laila
The film is about a women reporter that trying to uncover a dark side of a well known business man after the death of his lover.
After entangling in a petty conflict, two complete strangers, a guy and a girl with two extreme opposite characteristics, got themselves in a...
Maya Bazaar
Two brothers, Malek and Jai, are indirectly thrust headlong into the world of gangsters and crime when their father died 10 years ago. Since their...
KL Gangster 2
While out on a test flight, accident strikes and the group of parachuters, led by Captain Hanafi soon find themselves stranded in the middle of...
Lurah Dendam
Yazid and Yati are best friends since childhood. As adults they equally served as a caddy at the Golf Club of smaller and less well known. Privately...
Cinta 200 Ela
Episode 1: Su is on her way home from university. There is another young woman (Fadilah) on the bus. An eerie feeling accompanies Lina on the bus. ...
Romance Rabiah Jamal and Jamal opposition from parents and Eddy who have been helped save Rabiah and get shelter. Eddy that married love and want to...
Ghazal Untuk Rabiah
Wildman AJ (AC Mizal) is colour blind. Salleh (Harun Salim Bachik) is a retired cop who tries to sell his invention to the police. The two hate each...
My Spy
Ray is the head of a gang that steals luxury cars, and is involved in an underground fight club. He does not have a good relationship with his...
Daddyku Gangster
A guy who is about to get engaged and eventually get married, goes to an island for a holiday with his friends only to be entangled in unfortunate...
Dum Dum Dumeel
The evil Professor Klon is back… This time, not only to overthrow the Government and become the President of Metrofulus, but also to control...
Cicakman 2: Planet Hitam
Tells different lovers of backgrounds namely Hazama son of a former criminal while Azar Azmi plays the character as Amelina, the son of a police...
Uniknya Cinta
Discovering a plot to make her a scapegoat for the murder of her husband, the heir to the Southern King, A pregnant May Wong survives an...
Rise to Power: KLGU
Dr. Laura Bowman is a young widow who's unwittingly drawn into political turmoil while vacationing in Burma in the late 1980s. Bowman initially left...
Beyond Rangoon