Lucy and the Lake Monster is the story of Lucy, an orphan girl, who believes in "Champ," the legendary sea serpent of Lake Champlain. Lucy and her...
Lucy and the Lake Monster
James Dean: A Beautiful Soul
When a famous star is found dead at an exclusive Christmas Eve party filled with A-list Hollywood types, the police must hold for questioning a group...
Live Fast, Die Young
A feature film about the life of Aimee Semple McPherson, the famed evangelist of the 1920s.
Sister Aimee: The Aimee Semple McPherson Story
"Canaan Land" is a love story between Brother Billy Gantry, a charismatic con man, phone psychic, and preacher, who falls for Sister Sara Sunday, a...
Canaan Land
A burger-loving hit man, his philosophical partner, a drug-addled gangster's moll and a washed-up boxer converge in this sprawling, comedic crime...
Pulp Fiction
The story of the Cuban Missile Crisis in 1962—the nuclear standoff with the USSR sparked by the discovery by the Americans of missile bases...
Thirteen Days