In an impassioned message from the grave, one concentration camp Liberator forces us to remember the horror humanity is capable of. Utilizing actual...
Set in two periods of time and existence. Two young friends reunite in a new life and the only link between them and their previous lives is the...
The Feature-Length Documentary that chronicles the rise and fall of an 8 year-long movie in the making.
Shelved: The Rise and Fall of 11:11
A race-against-the-clock comedy about a guy who has to drive a taxi all night collecting fares to bail out his brother who is being held down in an...
Midnite Cabby
A searing legal drama that centers on a highly credentialed child psychologist whose life is shattered when he's accused of sexually assaulting a...
Return to Innocence
After witnessing his father murder his mom, 10 year-old Gabriel becomes insane. Now 20 years later, Gabriel begins a twisted mission of finding...