This 30-minute, animated Bible video recounts the traumatic early years of Moses’ life, his privileged youth in Pharaoh’s household, and...
A new family moves into town and their son, Ben, meets a mysterious girl named Regina, who is rumoured to be a witch.
The Witching of Ben Wagner
Based on an "actual event" that took place in 1943. About a US Navy Destroyer Escort that disappeared from the Philadelphia Naval Shipyard, and sent...
The Philadelphia Experiment
Nelson, played by Corey Haim is a teenager who robs banks with his father in group along with two other friends. Corey Haim Is the right guy, in the...
Fast Getaway
Alma the Younger and the Sons of Mosiah rebel against their parents and work to destroy the church of Christ. In answer to their parents’...
Alma the Younger
A woman named Liz Brantley takes a three-legged solo flight and then her plane crashes.
The frat brothers of I Phelta Thi go into business as streakers-for-hire in order to replenish their college fraternity's depleted funds.
The Streak Car Company
Miles Utley is a professional Mormon commando/bodyguard who is forced to turn renegade and to question his faith as he investigates a scandal...
The Avenging Angel
Michael returns to Haddonfield for Jamie Lloyd – the orphaned daughter of Laurie Strode – and her babysitter Rachel. Can Dr. Loomis stop...
Halloween 4: The Return of Michael Myers
After a deadly plague kills most of the world’s population, the remaining survivors split into two groups - one led by a benevolent elder and...
The Stand