This documentary tells the story of Max Ward, a former bush pilot whose company grew to become one of the major airlines in Canada. A study of...
Max Ward
Set in the austere post–World War II British world of rationing, Cyril dreams up an ode to an imaginary character named Merlin Mound who can...
A Piece of Cake
Nesbitt Spoon, who's a bit of a nebbish, tells us about his day, which is fairly average up until the moment that his doctor tells him he has only...
Why Me?
In 1961, philosopher Roland Barthes collaborated with filmmaker Hubert Aquin to produce a film, for Canadian television, intended to reveal the...
Of Sport and Men
This short documentary is a portrait of the early era of computing and the process and implications of the digitization of large amounts of...
Data for Decision
A documentary about the self-taught painter William Kurelek, told through his paintings. There are scenes of village life in the Ukraine and the...
Franciscus searches for the urn that contains the remains of Buddha but instead finds danger and intrigue.
Pride and Prejudice
A new system devised by Canadians whereby the dryout process in fuel bundles for a nuclear reactor can be completely checked, thereby preventing...
U 111 Dryout Experiment