Colonel Carrasco's wife Marta leaves him taking his young son. The child, Juan, grows into an admirable and well-mannered young man. Having been...
Prisoner 13
In the midst of the Mexican Revolution, the landowner Mendoza manages to get along with both the government and the revolutionary group. For the...
El compadre Mendoza
Santa is a beautiful and very humble young girl living in Chimalistac, a small and quiet spot south of the 1930's Mexico City. After Santa is cheated...
Stronger Than Duty
In times of the French Intervention, a student of Nunó, author of the Mexican National Anthem, falls in love with the niece of the French...
Mexicanos al Grito de Guerra
A 1941 film.
Lo que el viento trajo
A 1933 film.
Shadow of Pancho Villa
The Lark