After catching wind of valuable prohibition-era whiskey hidden on an island, Thomas Waters embarks on a quest for liquid gold and ends up on the...
Plunder Quest
Jaylen protects his sister.
House of Brotherly Love
An escaped convict working a spooky southern farm home finds himself entangled in a mystery involving the family's dark past.
Fattenin' Frogs For Snakes
At the end of slavery, sharecropper Yarborough started a small church that grew into a worldwide, 4 million-member plus organized religious group...
The Yarborough's Way
A Manhattan ad agency boss, John Holiday, entrusts Lauren to deliver the big pre-holiday client pitch, but only winds up annoying her when...
A Royal Christmas Engagement
A woman recalls her life and musical career choices in New York City through the years.
Before I Go
After the death of his wife, a recently estranged father is forced to reconcile with his daughter through the unlikeliest of means: the Nutcracker.