In a world dominated by superstition, a family's quest to reunite with their departed patriarch leads them down a chilling path. They resort to a...
The Great Indian Suicide
The film was co-produced by M. S. Rajesh and Dr. Sunitha Krishnan, an internationally known anti-trafficking crusader. It explores the consequences...
Naa Bangaaru Talli
Political journalist Jayadev (Meka Srikanth) unearths several scams made by a politician (Ahuti Prasad) who in turn invites him to bribe him. The but...
When his family is torn apart, Arjun sets out to on a journey to solve the mystery and seek revenge.
Yuddham Sharanam
A garbage collector captures the interest of a noted writer struggling with writer's block. Thereafter, they have a lengthy conversation that unfolds...
The Riddle