A newly appointed Assistant Superintendent of Police, Ravinder Singh, questions terrorists' related deaths of his dad, Sarpanch Jaswant Singh; his...
This Superhit Punjabi Movie (1984) was the Debut Film of Popular Punjabi Singer & Actor Gurdas Maan and is a musical Love Story. The film has all the...
Mamla Garbar Hai
Ranjyot, Amar and their widowed mother flee from Rampur after their friend, Karim, informs them that their village is about to be attacked by Muslim...
Mitter Pyare Nu Haal Mureedan Da Kehna
Harwant Kaur and her husband get cheated out of their land by tyrannical and oppressive Zamindar Sardar Jwala Singh.
Pagadi Sambhaal Jatta