"This idyll was made for a Dracula film project by Ernst Schmidt of Vienna, who wrote to various European filmmakers in order to produce a bigger...
Petty-Bourgeois Dracula Idyll at the Family Table
A short film by Raphaela Schoenherr with HHK Schoenherr.
Ich hasse, ich liebe Film
Robert Walser
The film Autoportrait is made up of four parts: Part 1: Search, Part 2: Work, Part 3: Daydream, Part 4: Family. Each of the parts can be shown as a...
Daydream and Family
"This film shows my life with my family in the Triemli high-rise in Zurich." (HHK)
Play 2 & 3
The film was realized according to the formulaic concept "TAM 4/71."
Play 28/29
Play 33
"In Germany, I bought an old 35mm Debrie camera. I spent several weeks working with this camera and found that its mechanics were marvelously thought...
The Wrecked Cinema
Dedicated to Dieter Meier. voice-over by Gregory Markopoulos, reading an excerpt in English translation of Paul Valéry’s L’Homme...
Political Portraits