Neelamalai Thirudan, a young man, sets out to avenge his family that was separated during his childhood due to his bloodthirsty and materialistic...
Neelamalai Thirudan
Ram and Balram are 2 young boys who live with their loving parents. Their scheming uncle, Jagatpal, however kills the boy's father and mother....
Ram Balram
Brothers Veer and Shashank fall in love with Chandralekha. Shashank kidnaps her and forces her to marry him. She requests a special drum dance prior...
Vijay helps the poor and robs the rich, while Ajay is assigned the job to bring Vijay to justice. Thirsty for each other's blood, both men are...
In order to take over the kingdom, Shamsher Singh and Nahar Singh kill Yuvraj Gopal Singh and his wife, Roopa. The news of these deaths shocks the...
Amar Shakti
Following Bhagwan Shri Ram's 14 year exile, whereby he demolishes the evil empire of Lord Ravan, rescues his wife, Sita, and returns triumphantly...
Ram Rajya
Based on age-old Buddhist folklore connected with Mauryan Emperor Ashoka's son Kunal.
Ashok Kumar
Prince Rashid fights to regain his kingdom
When Shanto comes to Bombay in search of her sister she meets and falls in love with the taxi driver Ronnie
Shin Shinaki dreams of killing Taishi, the man who killed her parents. When the villain dies, she transfers her vengeful energies on to the...
Shin Shinaki Boobla Boo