The story is set in the town of Ranasthali, in year 1989. Bhagat Panigrahi (Nara Rohit) is preparing to become a police officer. His father...
Eight youngsters become a close-knit group after attending engineering college and sharing their experiences.
Happy Days
Upcoming Telugu movie Directed by SS Kanchi,Starring Randhir, Ruksaar Mir
Show Time
PJ is the grandson of a wealthy zamindar and an irresponsible youngster who is spoilt by the pampering and excessive money. His grandfather writes a...
Pilla Zamindar
A group of students are taken as hostages in their own 'Basanti College' by a gang of terrorists.
Rishi Kumar is a billionaire and the CEO of Origins, someone who has always strived for the success he now owns. His friend Ravi needs help, how will...
Anu is a filmmaker looking for that big break in the film industry. But what happens when she realises that everyone from the script she has written...