Brett Sugarman wants to be the next breakout comedian in NYC, except for the fact that he's terrible at comedy. Failing at every available...
The Improviser
"KAREN" is a short film about a young woman who is pushed to the edge of sanity from her family and society. Culminating on an unforgettable...
In 1979, an Indian family moves to America with hopes of living the American Dream. While their 10-year-old boy Smith falls head-over-heels for the...
Growing Up Smith
A short film about coping with loss
Mom Died
Anna, a young Czech doctor, gets held up at US immigration after a humanitarian trip to Uganda, the day her boyfriend wants to propose to her.
The Bit Player tells the story of an overlooked genius, Claude Shannon (the "Father of Information Theory"), who revolutionized the world, but never...
The Bit Player
While spending the weekend with his estranged son, a man who can sense the thoughts and feelings of plants encounters a menacing, dangerous weed.
What connects us as people? A shared space. A common interest. A basic drive. Blood. In our teeming city of millions, lives criss-cross in ways...