Set in the backdrop of 1980s, Micheal helms his influential family in Kochi, inspiring fear and respect through his unnerving past. When a few...
Bheeshma Parvam
A historic rifle club in the Western Ghats becomes the center of a thrilling fight for survival when a dangerous arms dealer and his gang come...
Rifle Club
A Seemingly Video Call Between a Group of Close Media Professional Friends Takes a Horrifying Turn When a Stranger Infiltrates Their Session. This...
A woman and her husband Jackson welcome their baby boy the same day the King of Pop Michael Jackson died. A dance enthusiast, she names her son...
Dance Dance
The two odd stars that are granted to 'Mayapuri' are for the intriguing and yet almost invisible philosophical line of thought that stretches across...
Mayapuri 3D
Five Class 11 students continue with their mischievous ways till a new teacher joins their school and puts her faith in them, despite the opposition...
Officer On Duty