Documentary narrated by Paul Winfield, this documentary follows the course of Mahalia Jackson's extraordinary life - from her humble beginnings as a...
Mahalia Jackson: The Power and the Glory
On September 15, 1963, a bomb destroyed a black church in Birmingham, Alabama, killing four young girls who were there for Sunday school. It was a...
4 Little Girls
This special three-part presentation of "Like It Is" examines the history of the black civil rights movement in the United States, emphasizing the...
A Decade of Struggle
Personal comments from family, friends, and advisors fill this remarkable documentary honoring Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Coretta Scott King joins...
In Remembrance of Martin
Madeline Anderson’s documentary brings viewers to the front lines of the civil rights movement during the 1969 Charleston hospital...
I Am Somebody
In 1936, Victor H. Green (1892-1960) published The Negro Motorist Green Book, a book that was both a travel guide and a survival manual, to help...
The Green Book: Guide to Freedom
Constructed from a wealth of archival footage, the documentary follows Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. from 1955 to 1968, in his rise from regional...
King: A Filmed Record... Montgomery to Memphis