In a small village in the Danube Delta, where traditions are confronted with new material purposes, a teenage girl is becoming a woman. This is the...
After a year away for work, a husband spends his first night back home trying to reconnect with a wife who seems more distant than he remembered.
By the Rails
A student creates and sells a drug called 'Z' which has the unexpected side effect of resurrecting the dead as flesh-eating zombies, who proceed to...
Return of the Living Dead: Rave to the Grave
Petru is a math professor at the Polytechnic University, who's living an easy life, with no big worries. He is in an open relationship with Irina,...
The Story of a Summer Lover
Sorin is very passionate about dinosaurs. At only 8 years old, an unknown object, found in his parents' bedroom, doesn't arouse his questions, but...
Why the Dinosaurs Disappeared
Naïve American newlyweds find themselves stuck in a sinister hotel in a small Transylvanian town.
The Iron Peony
A few weeks before the Fall of the Berlin Wall, Pago, Rice and Bibi leave the calm city of Cesena looking for adventure: a ten-days-long holiday in...
Adventures Italian Style