The Story follows Troy, a young man whose beloved wife passes away. The movie opens at her funeral, and Troy, ill-equipped to deal with this kind of...
Uncross the Stars
A Gwich'in grandfather teaches his granddaughter how reciprocity is embedded in our lives. The northern lights warm the caribou; they feed and...
Diiyeghan naii Taii Tr'eedaa (We Will Walk the Trail of our Ancestors)
An 1800’s western set in the Great Smoky Mountains of North Carolina. It’s a story of love, hate, revenge, honor. It showcases the most...
Ghost Town: The Movie
Four sisters in a Native American drum group face a dilemma when one of them decides to leave the group.
Pow Wow Dreams
A small-town news reporter and a Greenpeace volunteer enlist the help of rival superpowers to save three majestic gray whales trapped under the ice...
Big Miracle
An Alaska State Trooper partners with a young woman who escaped the clutches of serial killer Robert Hansen to bring the murderer to justice. Based...
The Frozen Ground