Robbie Levinson and Trey McCoy suddenly encounter intolerance and hostility at the hands of their new neighbor, Chris Boyd, the son of a...
Hate Crime
Eleven-year-old Oliver has a unique ability to see "full-bodied apparitions," otherwise known as ghosts. When his family moves from the bustling city...
Oliver's Ghost
In a small North Texas town live Karen and her two boys Mason and Henry. Nightmares and a visiting stranger threatens Karen's bond with her children....
Hear Me Whisper
Growing up in a small town, Charlie, Alex and Nick weren't the most popular kids around after they formed "The Elite Monster Unit". Chasing...
Ghost Squad
A fourth grader and her friends deal with bullying from a more popular girl in their class.
An American Girl: Chrissa Stands Strong
After their parents' divorce tears them apart, two brothers come to terms with the dead end town they can no longer call "home."