The story revolves around the king Vikramaditya, who promises to save the princess of Kashmir, appoints Kalidas as court-poet, and his fight against...
A love triangle. Two sisters; a well known singer and a stage actress, fall in love with same person, a singer.
1947 bollywood film.
Sati Toral
1956 bollywood film
Delhi Durbar
A railway employee, Kalicharan, would like Usha, the Station Master of Rangpur Railway Station's daughter, to get married to Niranjan, the DTS of...
Station Master
Based on the Hindu epic Ramayana.
Lav Kush
Following Bhagwan Shri Ram's 14 year exile, whereby he demolishes the evil empire of Lord Ravan, rescues his wife, Sita, and returns triumphantly...
Ram Rajya
A traumatized beautiful woman loses her memory in a train accident.
Anokhi Ada