The film revolves around three youngsters: Balakrishna (Akshay), Keerthi (Prajin) and Pal (Arshad Khan) who live in the same apartment complex and...
Saa Boo Thiri
A Sequence of Murder is taking Place surrounding Hero and most importantly the victims are all close to him. Hero is searching the Culprit & Police...
Sutrula is a 2014 Indian Tamil thriller film written and directed by V. Rajesh Alfred. The film features Richard, Mithun, Prajin, Sandra Jose, Srija...
Manal Naharam is a 2015 Tamil language Indian feature film written and produced by M.I.Vasanthkumar and directed by Oru Thalai Ragam Shankar starring...
Manal Naharam
Vikram, an inspector from Kutralam, stumbles upon a string of bizarre accidents that all seem to follow a strange pattern. But as he digs deeper, he...
In Yercaud, a heroine visiting for a shoot clashes with a fake reporter who confesses to blackmailing women. Seeking revenge for her sister's murder,...
Padikkada Pakkangal
Five friends are picked up as suspects in a political murder, and the cops detain one among them to save face in front of the media. To save him, the...
Pazhaya Vannarapettai
Bhaskar, a stuntman, is smitten with Cinthya, a college student. However, his heart is broken when he learns that she doesn't love him back but he...
Thee Kulikkum Pachai Maram Movie: Thee Kulikkum Pachay Maram Music: M. Vineesh, M. Prabheesh Cast: Prajin, Sarayu Ammu
Thee Kulikkum Pachai Maram
Simon is the son of Joseph Palathinkal, a business multi millionaire. One night during the night patrol, Niranjan finds Simon stabbed and murdered on...
The Thriller
Sand City is a 2015 Malayalam language Indian romantic thriller film directed by Shankar Panicker starring Prajin, Gautham Krishna, Thanishka, Varuna...
Sand City
Kundratthiley Kumaranuklu Kondattam
The film depicts the difference between the life and freedom of children in the present and the past.
Dineshan is in love with Shoba, but she insists he give up smoking and drinking before marriage. It’s easier said than done, but will love...
Love Action Drama