Set in the years before and during World War I, this epic tale tells the story of a rich Argentine family, one of its two descending branches being...
The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse
A tough preacher comes to the rip-roaring gold town of Panamint in hopes of reforming it. But disaster awaits.
The Parson of Panamint
An outlaw calling himself Passin' Through halts his "evil" ways long enough to help out some children in difficulty.
The Good Bad-Man
John Cranford is a U.S. customs agent dedicated to stem the activities of a gang of opium smugglers. After successfully closing the case, Cranford...
Pidgin Island
The story of the perfect man and woman in Eden, and the temptation of Mother Eve by Lucifer. Many episodes are then presented showing how Satan, from...
Kalora is the "slim princess of Morevana," a land in which fat is prized. This distresses her family, who must marry off Kalora, before her rotund...
The Slim Princess
Denny O'Hara marries Eileen O'Connor. He learns his elderly mother has been evicted. He finds her dead and sets out to kill the landlord and finds...
Denny from Ireland
A potentially lost film, this film tells the story of a man is convicted unjustly of a crime and then subjected to inhumane torment in a prison run...
The Honor System
Leon de Severac is fed up with his daughter Jacqueline, who is constantly seducing men. Hoping to discourage her from her flirtatious behavior, he...
Trifling Women
A man is tormented by the thought that his wife's child might not be his.
The Circus of Life
After his uncle dies, founder of the fishing village of Sandy Bay, Kenwood Wright is cut off with only some marshland while his nephew, Bruce Wilton,...
The Rosary
Sergeant Blake of the Northwest Mounted Police is sent to the border to break up a ring of smugglers who are bringing illegal Chinese immigrants into...
The White Mouse
When a wealthy hypochondriac is dissatisfied by the care of the town doctor (Doc Arnold), he consults with a new physician in town who swindles him...
The Microscope Mystery
The Thunderbolt