First love and the fickleness of adolescence is the theme in this charming drama. The story follows a pretty blonde French youth who is sent with his...
Blue Jeans
Her mother had advised her to marry to acquire respectability and material comfort, the obedient little girl married a successful Catholic writer a...
Une femme au bout de la nuit
A tale of sexual encounters of one woman and several friends, family members and acquaintances, as seen (and told) from the perspective of a pair of...
Secrets of the Satin Blues
When the investigation on a prostitute murder by the Paris vice department derails, one cop will stop at nothing for revenge.
Brigade of Death
Mistaken for bank robbers, two friends stumble into a group of beautiful girls and follow them to Morocco for a dance show.
Belles, blondes et bronzées
A short film commissioned by the Société Lyonnaise de Banque to present its business plan to the staff.
A Plan of Hell