In this short film, released theatrically with Disney’s Tom & Huck and starring The Lion King’s Timon and Pumbaa, Timon absentmindedly...
Stand By Me
Join Timon and Pumbaa, your favorite friends from The Lion King, for outrageous laughs and high-spirited, globe-trotting adventures! First stop Boara...
Around the World With Timon & Pumbaa
When she receives word that her longtime platonic pal Michael O'Neal is getting married to debutante Kimberly Wallace, food critic Julianne Potter...
My Best Friend's Wedding
This colorful adventure tells the story of an impetuous mermaid princess named Ariel who falls in love with the very human Prince Eric and puts...
The Little Mermaid
The strong bond between two brothers is challenged when their chosen responsibilities set them at odds, with extraordinary consequences.
The Prince of Egypt