An English governor in India, deceived by his wife, proposes to him either to accuse the lover of embezzlement, or to condemn her to end her days as...
La rue des bouches peintes
Le mystère Joséphine
An African physician returns home after studying medicine in Paris. He marries and settles down to life in the bucolic splendor of his native land....
The Cage
The hero is a black man from Martinique who feels nostalgic for his island and is on his own in France. He falls in love with an au pair girl but has...
One Does Not Bury Sunday
Les couilles de l'éléphant
A film about the difficulty for even the most well-intentioned person to know and respect another culture. In this case, the problem is so acute that...
The Silence of the Forest
Abraham is a young sculptor who does not quite understand the changing world in which he lives. During a visit to the village, he falls for the...
The Tam Tams Are Silent
Captain Ekumu has a lot on his mind: his son Ika is dying and he does not have the means to find treatment for him, which is driving his wife...
The Shadow of Liberty