A serial rapist gets acquitted of his crimes due to a police mishandling of the investigation. His victims decide to turn the tables on him and begin...
"Dogs flew space ships! The Aztecs invented the vacation! Men and Women are the same sex! Our forefathers took drugs! Your brain is not the boss!"....
Everything You Know Is Wrong
The Yolks, a poor hillbilly family, are transported to a high-tech, futuristic home with all the latest gadgets, doo-dads and labor-saving devices....
Nick Danger in the Case of the Missing Yolk
The comedy group Firesign Theatre satirizes the old Saturday afternoon cliffhangers by taking clips from many Republic Pictures serials and...
Firesign Theatre Presents 'Hot Shorts'
At Kudzu County's annual Harvest Festival, a virgin must be sacrificed, to keep the giant kudzu vines from destroying the town, but plans go awry...
Eat or Be Eaten