The inhabitants of Praxos, a mountain village in an occupied country, organize their own resistance to the oppressor. Faced with reprisals, they...
Dawn on the Third Day
A peaceful, frightened little man is mistakenly identified as "The Dragon", a notorious criminal at large. He briefly and reluctantly rules the...
The Ogre of Athens
Lukas and Sotiris hate the work but are forced to make ends meet working as salesman of books. In one visit, Luke would accept a proposal from the...
Seven Days of Lying
Two lazy friends (Mimis Fotopoulos and Ntinos Iliopoulos) find a job as ice-cream vendors to pay their back rent. When they start giving ice-cream to...
Above all... Coolness
A milkman has his shop at the affluent Athenian neighborhood of Kolonaki and is in love with an aristocratic girl.
Laos and Kolonaki
The life of the kind-hearted policeman Study, and endless unexpected incidents faced
Meletis of the Flying Squad
Άγγελος με χειροπέδες
When a man decides to marry the woman he's been living with, she stops being the silent patient person she was and claims to be the boss in the...
And the Woman Shall Fear Her Husband