A happy family whose lives complement each other. While celebrating his wedding anniversary with his family, a rich businessman was suddenly...
Teka-Teki Tika
In this biopic, Christian Rahadi – aka Chrisye – overcomes early failures, family strife and anxiety to become one of Indonesia's...
A husband was declared missing during a rock climbing accident. Later, he returned home and strange things began happening around the house.
The Returning
Jamal , motorcycle taxi drivers who like to play chess, had a dream to open a the motor wash near his base. Rodiah, Jamal’s mother, threatens...
A student grieving the loss of her parents joins an extracurricular club and becomes entangled in a romance with a classmate who has secrets.
R: King, Queen & Secrets
A celebrity policeman, always followed by cameras due to his reality show, is paired with a conman to arrest a drug kingpin who escaped from prison.
Hit & Run
Four buddies attend a class taught by a love guru who leads them to question their romantic attachments — until her hidden agenda comes to...
Marlina, a paralyzed girl found in a garbage truck by Jaya, a street vendor. Then Jaya decide.d to rescued her and take care her in his simple house....
This Is Not A Love Story