Stand up comedian Pete Correale explores the absurdities of life, love and marriage in his hilarious comedy special where he gives his homegrown New...
Pete Correale: Let Me Tell Ya
Comedian Pete Correale hits up Bucks County, PA for the taping of his full-length comedy special, For Pete's Sake.
Pete Correale: For Pete's Sake
Pete Correale was named one of the top ten comics to watch by Entertainment Weekly in 2008. His affable New York charm and hilarious tales of life...
Pete Correale: The Things We Do For Love
A group of wacky gynecologists look after a pregnant woman.
The Gynecologists
Sidesplitters stars Lewis Black (the Daily Show, and the owner of the club in American Dummy) and Jim Norton (the clubs Host in American Dummy) as a...
American Dummy