La Pared, explores the nature of human instinct and the concept of action and reaction. Miguel finds himself struggling against the gossip he hears...
The Wall
The true story of Saúl Armendáriz, a gay amateur wrestler from El Paso that rises to international stardom after he creates the...
In the colonial New Spain Ana is a missionary who decides to support the indigenous people.
Ave María
With his single mother consumed by demanding work, young Pedro seeks comfort in the warm company of funeral home employees. Amidst the quiet of this...
This short film narrates the life of Rebeca, a woman who works as a receptionist in a hotel, who, despite having explored her most intimate feelings,...
Por encima del abismo de la desesperación
Gerardo, a 17-year old guy has just finished his relationship with Bruno and starts wandering hopeless through the streets of the city. In his...
A Thousand Clouds of Peace Fence the Sky, Love; Your Being Love Will Never End
This biopic explores the life of Lupe Vélez, the Mexican actress who became a prominent figure in 1930s Hollywood. It focuses on her intimate...