A tragic car accident in the middle of nowhere finds six stranded college students fighting for their lives after making a horrifying discovery in a...
The Butcher
When a mysterious groupie joins legendary cursed band, "The Dark Knights", a series of unexplained murders derails their comeback tour.
Hard-nosed liberal lawyer Roman J. Israel has been fighting the good fight forever while others take the credit. When his partner – the firm's...
Roman J. Israel, Esq.
This spy thriller pits veteran-turned-artist, Daniel Cliff, against US intelligence, and secrets from his past lead to hellish journey of lies,...
Magnum Opus
An impoverished leader of a small religious commune in Miami is offered cash to save his family from eviction. He has no idea his sponsor works for...
The Day Shall Come
A teen's cancer diagnosis makes her more popular at school, so when she goes into remission, she decides to conceal the news.
Hope Springs Eternal
In the Iranian ghost-town Bad City, a place that reeks of death and loneliness, the townspeople are unaware they are being stalked by a lonesome...
A Girl Walks Home Alone at Night
Orphaned as an infant, Juan Frances (Spencer John French) is a talented ranchera singer, but he faces a hurdle in his attempt to succeed as a Latin...
El Superstar: The Unlikely Rise of Juan Frances
It took the terrorists on Flight 93 two years to plan their attack. It took the 40 strangers aboard 30 minutes to defeat it. On September 11, 2001,...
The Flight That Fought Back
A former ping pong player tries to make a comeback through the sport of pickleball after a shameful televised loss, hoping to save his family home...