In a dystopian future, the Brazilian government decrees a measure that forces black citizens to migrate to Africa in an attempt to return to their...
Executive Order
Solitudes goes from laugh to drama, from musical to documentary, from romantic comedy to mean satire, keeping loneliness focused in all its aspects...
Rio de Janeiro, in the period in which the Police Pacification Units (PPUs) were beginning to be deployed in the city. Edna (Lilia Cabral) is the...
Julio Sumiu
Brasilia, 1973. At the height of the military dictatorship, seven friends, young as the city in which they live, dream of living in theater. Led by...
Léo e Bia
When executive Ricardo is found shot dead in the seat of his car without suspicion, Inspector Espinosa and police officer Daia are in charge of the...
The Silence of The Rain
Based on 'Death of a Man in the Balkans (2012)', an original feature film of Miroslav Momcilovic, 'Sorria, Você Está Sendo Filmado'...
Smile, You're on Camera
Batista and Maria form a couple who, apparently, are very happy in their marriage. However, the truth is that appearances deceive and much; in the...
Canastra Suja
Alguém Acaba de Morrer Lá Fora
The story of José Abelardo Barbosa, narrated from the time of his youth, when he was at medical school, and dropped everything to become a...
Chacrinha: O Velho Guerreiro
In a world where people don't age, the government finds itself facing a population crisis. It is then created a government program to control...
Nothing Good Comes After Your 30's
Irene is one of the exiles of a fantastic island populated by young people of curious eating habits, whose only connection with the world outside is...
Chewing Gum