The Pond is the story of an anthropologist on the verge of an apocalyptic discovery who begins to descend into madness, as his hallucinations reveal...
The Pond
The story behind and around famous American director Nicholas Ray's 1960s stay in SFR Yugoslavia. The celebrated director who was the toast of...
Doctor Ray and the Devils
This is a story about Denis Marković, a young talented football player with a problematic temperament, who from an early age, due to his talent,...
Golden Boy
An otherworldly journey through a Europe in decline - a collection of darkly humorous, fantasy tales about ill-fated characters and doomed fortune.
The “terrifying true story” of the first televised exorcism on NBC in 1971. Millions around the country watched the program that was...
True Haunting
Held captive in a futuristic smart house, a woman hopes to escape by befriending the A.I. program that controls the house.