It is a bitter story about a middle-aged man, who hates his life and other people, including himself. Adam Miauczynski, the character known from...
Day of the Wacko
The peaceful world of a monastery, in a small town Jasmine, is destroyed by the arrival of monument restorers, Natasha, along with her daughter...
A policewoman makes her ex-boyfriend an offer he can't refuse: Either he infiltrates and informs on a gang of hooligans, or his brother goes to jail.
The story of a Japanese diplomat, sometimes called the Schindler of Japan, and his life lading up to and after his decision to issue over 2,000 visas...
Persona Non Grata
A young girl meets a gangster at a psychiatric hospital.
Louise's Garden
Adaś Miauczyński, a Polish intellectual, has severe alcohol problems which affect his relationship with his son Sylwek.
We're All Christs
The life of the pope John-Paul II, from his youth as a writer, actor, and athlete in war-torn occupied Poland to his election as Pope at the age of...
Karol: A Man Who Became Pope