A bitter ad executive, who has reached his breaking point, finds himself in a mental institution, where his career actually begins to thrive with the...
Crazy People
Steven, a meek accountant-in-training, is living contentedly with his wife Clara and working for her brothers, managing the books at their junkyard....
Don't Mess with My Sister!
A murder victim reaches out from beyond the grave in an attempt to possess the body of a young woman who has moved into his old apartment.
The Oracle
Seven girls must spend the night in an old house, which once was a brothel, as part of an initiation.
Blood Sisters
Ferro Olivetti, a billionaire playboy and businessman, promises to fulfill his dying father's final request: to live one month without his wealth.
My Father's Will
Two brothers try to get back the nightclub that was swindled from their mother.
Suffering Bastards