Saffet(32), a veteran supermarket employee, lives in constant fear of losing his job as rumors circulate about an audit. The audit, aided by Mystery...
I am not Supermarket
An unexpected reunion between a traveling musician and his son opens old wounds as the two set out on a long journey to a troubadour festival.
The Festival of Troubadours
Kara works in the «Goldfish» eatery all day long washing dishes. Her life has become a closed circle of grey days far from the colors of...
The Flag is a fictional short film that tells the story of a misunderstanding of Eylem, who lives alone in a conservative district of Istanbul. Film...
While fathers usually guide their sons through life crises, things go the other way around in this independent comedy-drama from Turkey. Adnan (Reha...
Dark Cloud
Aşk Oyunu
An eternal landscape from the Yesilcam.
Don't Look Too Far
Having recently returned from compulsory military service, Emrah, who lives with his mother, refuses to socialise, and strolls alone on highways. He...