Two young men decide to rob a residence believing it uninhabited, once inside the homeowners and another couple maintain a perverse game as fun for...
The Criminals
The film tells the story of Ramón Antonio Brizuela, who since childhood has to deal with rampant violence and the drugs, sex and petty...
I'm a Delinquent
Ramon Antonio Brizuela is a criminal whose life passes between rounds, parties and showdowns. Recognized by a witness during an assault, he is taken...
Second Offender
A tale of hate in a town in the Venezuelan Andes where the conflicts and passions of those who live enclosed in the mountains make violence an...
Compañero de viaje
Venezuelan movie
Retén de Catia
One of the delivery men and three workers from a water bottling plant discover that the owners, due to the depletion of the spring, are using common...
Agua que no has de beber