Follows the relationship between two couples: An unemployed professor, Fernando, sustained by his factory worker girlfriend Rita, and sexist and...
Love, Prostitute Word
As filmmaker Jairo Ferreira shoots his life and friends in Super 8mm he also becomes the vampire of the Cinemateca Brasileira in São Paulo. In...
The Vampire of the Cinematheque
One of the first Brazilian movies to conjecture about contraculture and its reflexes on the behaviour of a generation. A tribute to the late poet and...
Buccaneer Blood
Transposition of the myth of Faust to modern Brazil. The heir to a bankrupt cigarette factory, amidst a personal crisis, leaves everything behind and...
Movie Dementia
A widow named Sandra is on a trip from the city to reclaim her remote beach house from squatters. She picks up a hippie couple along the way,...
The Empire of Desire
Doralice is a simple minded woman romantically fascinated by marriage. However, when she is raped by a butcher, a friend advises her to become a...
The Woman Who Invented Love