LITTLE SECRET is a short, suspenseful drama about a fifteen year old boy and his inner struggles. A son tells his mother an innocent lie as an...
Little Secret
What led a former top scientist to rob a bank and hold a dozen hostages? Czech Television's crime thriller based on Martin Goffa's novel "The Little...
Into the Darkness
A love story of the 21st century. Hoping for change, Ema runs away from her family and leaves her husband. She hides at the apartment of her...
Us 2
In a moment of passion, a man and woman are together in way that asks both of them about themselves.
Brothers Grass and Cobra Snake, in their late and early thirties respectively, live in a small Czech town not far from Prague. Coming from a...
The Snake Brothers
Five married couples travel to a luxury resort to rekindle their relationships but quickly find themselves tangled up in a possible police...
The Art of Passion