Frank Leon Smith's well-written story told of Carter's Creek, a bustling mining camp, and of how Beth Cameron (Rich) seeks to avenge the murder of...
Young Irish physician Peter Blood is exiled as a slave to Barbados, where he and his friend Jeremy are purchased by Colonel Bishop at the behest of...
Captain Blood
Aimee is a young girl betrothed to a rascal, Hamid Bey. An American archeologist, Jack Ryder, arrives to help the girl escape ending up in Bey's...
The Fortieth Door
A train that is carrying the formula for a valuable form of granulated gasoline disappears before it reaches its destination. Railroad investigators...
The Lost Express
The Vermilion Pencil is a 1922 American silent drama film directed by Norman Dawn, and produced and distributed by Robertson–Cole. It is based...
The Vermilion Pencil
Ann Annington (Minter) writes book reviews for a newspaper and when a reporter fails his assignment to get an interview with the noted author Harold...
Her Winning Way