One Cold Winter's Night was recorded on February 11th, 2006 at the historic Rockefeller Musichall in Oslo, Norway. Kamelot enlisted renowned film and...
Kamelot: One Cold Winter's Night
20 Years – A Warrior Soul is a double DVD video album by hard rock singer Doro Pesch, released in 2006 by AFM Records. The first DVD contains a...
Doro: 20 Years a Warrior Soul
Classic Diamonds is a live album by the German female hard rock singer Doro Pesch. It was released worldwide in 2004 by AFM Records. The album...
Doro: Classic Diamonds
I Am the Empire – Live from the 013 is a live album by the symphonic power metal band Kamelot, released on August 14, 2020 via Napalm Records....
Kamelot - I Am The Empire Live From the 013