Follows four friends in their quest to form a punk band. As workers protests sweep across the country, Janek and Staszek, the sons of a navy man, the...
All That I Love
An event, which main attraction is the dance marathon, has gathered crowds at the market square of the provincial Polish town. Impressive prizes...
Dance Marathon
The film is based on the well-known, translated into many languages novel of writer Pawel Huelle. It is imbued with nostalgia and the atmosphere of...
Niezawodny system
Kuba attends an art opening with his girlfriend of two years and bumps into Mikal. The connection between these two young men is instantaneous and...
Floating Skyscrapers
A 12-year-old Jewish boy hides with a family of Catholic peasant farmers to escape the Nazis.
Edges of the Lord
A movie about the power of thousands, the courage of hundreds and friendship of a few, thanks to whom a change of fate of millions became possible....
80 Million
19 year old Wojtek lives in a poverty stricken Polish town. He is in love with an older woman, an illegal emigrant from Ukraine. He boxes in illegal...
A story of nineteen years old girl who is trying to become a model.
Love on the Podium
Rzeźnia nr 1
Christmas is coming. In a letter to Santa Claus, Ania writes that she would like to get a brother, but she only gets a doll. Then she is offended and...
Gdzie jesteś, święty Mikołaju?