The film is about two witches in love, who are bound by a deep affection. Their idyllic life is suddenly ruined by a rowdy group who arrives at their...
Witches Straight from Hell
A humoristic coming-of-age story of Johannes who is born prematurely to a very young single mother. His destiny is to be always separated from his...
Goodbye Soviet Union
9-year old girl, vacationing with her parents in a remote bog, gets trapped in a secret bunker where an AI-startup is nearing the completion of...
Child Machine
The main character of the film, Ahto, is wrongly imprisoned. Now he craves revenge.
CIA agents Palmer and Gagano are tasked with the perilous mission of destroying “The Soviet Union!" As they enter the system using a VR...
Jesus Shows You the Way to the Highway
The film is about the love of a transgender woman and a woman in a society torn apart by a virus. In the apocalyptic world, one region is ruled by a...