Film based on Nikolai Gogol's story The Night Before Chrisrmas. Melodrama turning into comedy, with eccentricity and elements of eroticism, which...
Hamlet Passion
The film is based on the novel by Romualdas Granauskas, winner of the Lithuanian National Cultural and Arts Award, and is the chronicle of a young...
Alex's life is quite simple and predictable. From day to day he teaches children to swim. You don't pay much for a coach's salary, so he doesn't have...
Robbery in Ukrainian
Eight years have passed since Sara Wolfe and Eddie Baker escaped the House on Haunted Hill. Now the kidnapped Ariel, Sara's sister, goes inside the...
Return to House on Haunted Hill
This is a story about the Ukrainian Cinderella. Since childhood, Vera Serduk dreams of becoming a famous artist. To fulfill her dream, the girl goes...
The Adventures of Verka Serduchka