The story of Victor, a 45-year-old rocker, whose love for his son Florin go beyond what is socially and morally acceptable. The father's everyday...
Infidelity drama, male egos, lost dogs in Startsladden favorite Stefan Constantinescu’s arthouse gem about a man consumed by jealousy who risks...
Man and Dog
Portrete în pădure
A scholar of mathematics would like to publish his research outside Ceaucescu's Romania, but getting it through the border and the State censorship...
Quod erat demonstrandum
Two boys meet during a summer vacation in the late '90s in a romanian town located on the Danube shore, a few days before the summer eclipse. They...
Summer's Over
The '60s, Romania. Serafim, a young doctor, is sent to the Hospital in Palilula, a small town lost somewhere on the country map, after the death of...
Somewhere in Palilula
A woman needs to urgently drive her terminally ill father from a German clinic back to Romania. When at the border, she can’t go further.
No Man's Land