Chaos is unleashed in several villages by an old demonic witch who rises from the dead. In a creepy hut filled with kemenyan incense smoke, an old...
The Skeleton Ghost
Hassan (P. Ramlee) is 10 when his father died. His mother had died when he was younger. His late father's boss feels sorry for Hassan and adopts him....
Sarjan Hassan
A deformed hunchback is given a second chance at life, but then he breaks the rules of his benefactor and is transformed into a horrific monster.
Curse of the Oily Man
In a kingdom called Pura Cendana, the ruler Raja Alam Syahbana and the queen decided to adopt a son when they could not have any child of their own....
Musang Berjanggut
In Baghdad lived Ali Baba, the pauper, and his brother, the rich man Kassim Baba. Ali Baba earns his living by collecting firewood, but due to his...
Ali Baba Bujang Lapok
Tiga Abdul (The Three Abduls) is a 1964 Malaysian comedy film directed by and starring P. Ramlee. It tells the story of three brothers who are caught...
Tiga Abdul
Siapa besar film is a Malay film which was published in Malaysia in 1964. Film Who are issued in the form of the film in black and white without...
Siapa Besar