Monsterville is a village inhabited by monsters that have grown tired of living among humans. But one day, Hanna manages to break into her world by...
Hanna and the Monsters
The adventures of a young Japanese samurai named Yohei who visited Spain in the 17th century, in a story loosely taking its inspiration from the...
The misadventures of a teenager girl in her new life as zombie.
Daddy, I'm a Zombie
A bird that wants to become a hero, a carrier pigeon with an endless list of achievements under his belt and a mouse inventor who want to fly at all...
The Aviators
In the sequel to "Daddy, I'm a Zombie", all of our favorite characters are back! The fate of the planet is once again in Dixie's hands as she must...
Mummy, I'm a Zombie
Snowflake is special, he's the only white gorilla in the world. He is the zoo's main attraction, children love him, but the other gorillas don't see...
Snowflake, the White Gorilla